Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Check out this extremely interesting article on religion and it's impact on the economy:

Satan, the great motivator

Here is a tidbit that should interest everyone:

"... Their results show a strong correlation between economic growth and certain shifts in beliefs, though only in developing countries. Most strikingly, if belief in hell jumps up sharply while actual church attendance stays flat, it correlates with economic growth. Belief in heaven also has a similar effect, though less pronounced. Mere belief in God has no effect one way or the other. Meanwhile, if church attendance actually rises, it slows growth in developing economies."

If that doesn't motivate you to read the entire article, i don't know what will!

1 comment:

  1. Correlation is something to be very careful with! It is weird that a belief in hell is correlated to economic growth! Maybe the reasoning goes something like this: if you believe in hell, then you probably think you are going there too, and so you advocate for being free (yes even economically), here on earth, so that your present and eternity are not spent in hell.
